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Kingsgate Park Drainage Yate Town Council is tendering for a suitable drainage system at Kingsgate Park in Yate, Bristol. Works are to be undertaken between September 2024 and October 2024. The anticipated budget for this opportunity is £35,000 excl ....
Kingsgate Park Refurbishment (Phase 2) - Play Equipment
Buyer : yate town council
Yate Town Council would like to invite interested parties to tender for the opportunity of Phase 2 of the Kingsgate Park Refurbishment project and have prepared the following documents to assist as part of the tender: •Design brief; •Form of Tend ....
Kingsgate Park Refurbishment (Phase 1) - Timer Play Equipment
Buyer : yate town council
Refurbishment of existing timber playground equipment.
Yate Town Council Kingsgate Park Drainage
Buyer : yate town council
Kingsgate Park Drainage Yate Town Council is tendering for a suitable drainage system at Kingsgate Park in Yate, Bristol. Works are to be undertaken between September 2024 and October 2024. The anticipated budget for this opportunity is £35,000 excl ....
Kingsgate Park Refurbishment (Phase 2) - Play Equipment
Buyer : yate town council
Yate Town Council would like to invite interested parties to tender for the opportunity of Phase 2 of the Kingsgate Park Refurbishment project and have prepared the following documents to assist as part of the tender: •Design brief; •Form of Tend ....
Outdoor Exercise Equipment - Kingsgate Park, Yate
Buyer : Yate Town Council
Yate Town Council has secured Section 106 funding to supply and install outdoor exercise equipment in Kingsgate Park for community use. The Council has carried out a consultation process to determine the location and type of equipment and this specif ....
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