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Kingsgate Park Refurbishment (Phase 2) - Play Equipment
Buyer : yate town council
Yate Town Council would like to invite interested parties to tender for the opportunity of Phase 2 of the Kingsgate Park Refurbishment project and have prepared the following documents to assist as part of the tender: •Design brief; •Form of Tend ....
Kingsgate Park Refurbishment (Phase 1) - Timer Play Equipment
Buyer : yate town council
Refurbishment of existing timber playground equipment.
Kingsgate Park Refurbishment (Phase 2) - Play Equipment
Buyer : yate town council
Yate Town Council would like to invite interested parties to tender for the opportunity of Phase 2 of the Kingsgate Park Refurbishment project and have prepared the following documents to assist as part of the tender: •Design brief; •Form of Tend ....
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