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FM22234 - Supply and install of laboratory furniture
Buyer : uk shared business services limited
***This is not a call for Competition*** UKRI STFC have awarded a contract to supply and install laboratory furniture following a competitive 3 quote procedure.
GB-Swindon: UKRI- 1295 Laboratory Furniture
Buyer : UK Research and Innovation
To provide laboratory furniture to fit out the new soft matter lab in target station 2. This will consist of benches, cupboards, two moveable tables with power and wall mounted cupboards with glass fronted doors.
Supply of Laboratory Furniture, Ventilation Extracts and Fume Hoods
Buyer : UK Research and Innovation
UK Shared Business Services Ltd acting on behalf of the Contracting Authority is putting in place a contract for the supply of laboratory furniture, ventilation extracts and fume hoods for 5 chemical and life sciences laboratories which will be used ....
Buyer : The University of Nottingham
Laboratory Furniture
Buyer : The University of Nottingham
Laboratory Furniture
465/ITTO/2013 Design and Supply of Laboratory Furniture.
Buyer : University of Lincoln
The University of Lincoln seeks to obtain the services of an organisation to design and supply laboratory furniture to Joseph Banks Laboratory and Minster House. JBL and Minster House are new buildings that the University of Lincoln have acquired and ....
GB-Bath: Laboratory Furniture for Lab 2.03
Buyer : university of bath
A refurbished laboratory in the Department of Chemical Engineering requires high-quality lab furniture including static laboratory tables and both fitted and free-standing cabinets.
DKIT - STEM Building - Laboratory Furniture and Equipment
Buyer : Dundalk Institute of Technology
The Reserved Specialist scope will include the specialist laboratory furniture and equipment elements of the new STEM Building. The scope will include the design, fabrication, assembly and installation of furniture and equipment appropriate for the p ....
Supply of Laboratory Furniture, Ventilation Extracts and Fume Hoods
Buyer : UK Research and Innovation
UK Shared Business Services Ltd acting on behalf of the Contracting Authority is putting in place a contract for the supply of laboratory furniture, ventilation extracts and fume hoods for 5 chemical and life sciences laboratories which will be used ....
FM18005 Supply of Laboratory Furniture, Ventilation Extracts & Fume Hoods
The final date and time for the submission of bids is Monday 5th November 2018 at 11:00 AM. DO NOT apply directly to the buyer. All tender information MUST be submitted through the CCS eSourcing Portal. Brief Description of Requirement UK Shared Busi ....
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