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Leitrim County Council hereby invite expressions of interest from competent Serv ....
Buyer : Leitrim County Council
Leitrim County Council (Contracting Authority) hereby invite expressions of interest from competent Service Providers to develop a bespoke web based project management system, including a customised Customer Relationship Management System (CRM), to s ....
Provision of Internal Audit Services for Leitrim County Council
Buyer : Leitrim County Council
Leitrim County Council hereby seek tenders from competent and experienced service providers for the provision of audit services within the Local Authority.
Multi-Party Framework Agreement - Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the Mainte ....
Buyer : Leitrim County Council
The works consists of the following: – The appointment of Mechanical and Electrical Contractor for a two year term to conduct maintenance works to air to water heat pumps systems and air to air heating systems in properties under the control of Lei ....
Fleet Maintenance - Servicing Testing & Maintenance of Leitrim County Council Fl ....
Buyer : Leitrim County Council
In summary, the services comprise(but will not be limited to the following):•Vehicle servicing•Vehicle testing (CVRT)•Vehicle maintenance (including minor crash repairs)•24 hour breakdown vehicle recovery service•Provision of a systematic p ....
Unfinished Housing Developments - Remedial works to Unfinished Housing Developme ....
Buyer : Leitrim County Council
Contract SL2 - Remedial works to Unfinished Housing Developments in South County Leitrim. The Site Resolution Works will consist of the following: – •Construction of new sewer lines. •Removal of existing foul & surface water sewers and reconstr ....
Leitrim Connected - Design, Supply, Hosting, Support, Training and Maintenance o ....
Buyer : Leitrim County Council
Leitrim County Council is seeking to rollout a unified, co-ordinated, county-wide, web-based message alert app service, with text message functionality for non-smartphone users. The initiative has come about at the request of both the Joint Policing ....
Purchase of Compact Sweepers - Purchase of Compact Sweepers by Leitrim County Co ....
Buyer : Leitrim County Council
Purchase of 1 no. Diesel Powered Compact Suction Sweeper for Leitrim County Council
Construction of 4 no. residential units & Public Open Library in two lots for Le ....
Buyer : Leitrim County Council
Construction of 4 no. Residential Units & Public Library in two lots:LOT 1 (a) Demolition of existing function room and storage sheds(b) Construction of 2 no.2 bed semidetached bungalows & 2 no. two storey semidetached houses with all associated site ....
Leitrim County Council is seeking expressions of interest from Developers, Build ....
Buyer : Leitrim County Council
Leitrim County Council is seeking expressions of interest from Developers, Builders, Approved Housing Bodies and Landowners to provide residentially zoned land or turnkey social housing developments in identified urban areas throughout County Leitrim ....
Proposed construction of 12 No. dwellings and associated development works at To ....
Buyer : Leitrim County Council
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