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LEOOffalySocialMedia2022 - Local Enterprise Office Offaly Social Media Managemen ....
Buyer : Local Enterprise Office
The Contractor will be required to work with the LEO Offaly to develop and promote their online presence through social media.
LEOOMKT - Local Enterprise Office Offaly Marketing and Communications Strategy D ....
Buyer : Offaly County Council
The Local Enterprise Office (LEO) Offaly wish to develop a marketing and communications strategy that will clearly communicate the supports and services available to entrepreneurs and SMEs in the County. A key focus will be to maximise opportunities ....
LEOOYSM - Local Enterprise Office Offaly Social Media Management
Buyer : Offaly County Council
Local Enterprise Office Offaly Social Media Management
LEOOffalySocialMedia2021 - Local Enterprise Office Offaly Social Media Managemen ....
Buyer : Local Enterprise Office
The Contractor will be required to work with the LEO Offaly to develop and promote their online presence through social media.
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