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Consultancy Services: Transport Assessment for Gosport Borough Local Plan 2040
Buyer : Gosport Borough Council
Gosport Borough Council is conducting the Invitation to Quote (ITQ) to consider bids for the production of a National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) compliant Transport Assessment to form a key part of the Council's evidence base for its emerg ....
Provision of an economic viability assessment of the Oxford Local Plan 2040 (OLP ....
Buyer : oxford city council
The Oxford City Council is seeking to appoint a consultant to undertake an economic viability assessment of the Oxford Local Plan 2040. Alongside this work we also require a review of developer contributions, including the level of the Community Infr ....
Local Plan 2040: Air Quality Assessment
Buyer : test valley borough council
Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified contractor to prepare an Air Quality Assessment to support the preparation of the Test Valley Borough Local Plan 2040. This Assessment would focus on an assessment of impli ....
Modelling the impact of the spatial strategy in Local Plan 2040 on the transport ....
Buyer : test valley borough council
Test Valley Borough Council is seeking the appointment of an appropriately qualified contractor to prepare a transport assessment to inform the spatial options and detailed policies in the preparation of Test Valley Borough Council's emerging Local P ....
Local Plan 2040: Landscape Studies
Buyer : test valley borough council
Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified contractor to undertake two related studies to support the preparation of the Test Valley Borough Local Plan 2040. The two studies should be prepared by one contractor. The ....
Plan-Wide Viability Study: Bedford Local Plan 2040 - AWARD
Buyer : bedford borough council
Bedford Borough Council is commissioning a 'whole plan' viability assessment to support the examination of its emerging Local Plan 2040. The Local Plan 2040 is in the early stages of preparation and it will be submitted for examination at the beginni ....
Gosport Borough Council is conducting the Invitation to Quote (ITQ) to consider bids for the production of a National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) compliant Transport Assessment to form a key part of the Council's evidence base for its emerging G ....
Local Plan 2040: Sustainability Appraisal 'Critical Friend' Assessment
Buyer : test valley borough council
Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified contractor to provide 'critical friend' support to the Council in its undertaking of Sustainability Appraisal (SA) for the Regulation 18 and 19 consultation stages of the e ....
Local Plan 2040: Air Quality Assessment
Buyer : test valley borough council
Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified contractor to prepare an Air Quality Assessment to support the preparation of the Test Valley Borough Local Plan 2040. This Assessment would focus on an assessment of impli ....
Modelling the impact of the spatial strategy in Local Plan 2040 on the transport ....
Buyer : test valley borough council
Test Valley Borough Council is seeking the appointment of an appropriately qualified contractor to prepare a transport assessment to inform the spatial options and detailed policies in the preparation of Test Valley Borough Council's emerging Local P ....
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