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London Borough of Haringey - Edith Road
Buyer : westworks procurement limited
Erection of part 2/3/4-storey block of 8no. houses and flats with cycle and refuse storage facilities and associated amenity area and landscaping at former car parking site (Class use C3).
London Borough of Haringey - White Heart Lane
Buyer : westworks procurement limited
Erection of a new residential building providing 6 dwellings with associated private and communal amenity space, refuse/recycling and bicycle store
Westworks - London Borough of Haringey - Kerswell Close
Buyer : westworks procurement limited
London Borough of Haringey - Partridge Way
Buyer : westworks procurement limited
23 new build units for affordable rent over 9 storeys with improved landscaping including a natural play area to the rear of Partridge Way, refuse / recycling, and cycle storage, shared external and ancillary works in connection therewith. The Works ....
Multi — Disciplinary Professional Services for London Borough of Haringey — ....
Buyer : London Borough of Waltham Forest
Homes for Haringey (“HfH”) is an Arms length management organisation (ALMO), set up in April 2006 to manage the London Borough of Haringey’s council housing. While the London Borough of Haringey (the "Council”) owns the homes and takes overal ....
The Provision of Operations and Maintenance Services for the London Borough of H ....
Buyer : London Borough of Haringey
The DEN portfolio is anticipated to grow substantially during the next decade and so key features of the Procurement are:, -the ability to add new networks and/or network extensions and interconnections into the Contract(s);, -the ability of the chos ....
Archaeological Priority Area Review: London Borough of Haringey
Buyer : Historic England
The London Borough of Haringey wishes to secure a comprehensive review of Archaeological Priority Areas for the borough in support of the London Plan, the Haringey Local Plan and development management casework advice provided by GLAAS. The work will ....
London Borough of Haringey — Assistive Technology IT Platform
Buyer : London Borough of Haringey
London Borough of Haringey’s (The Council’s) Corporate Plan sets out strategic priorities and recognises that in order to achieve the aspirations of “enabling all adults to live healthy, long and fulfilling lives” investment in pathways that ....
The supply of furniture and fittings for temporary accommodation properties in t ....
Buyer : London Borough of Haringey & Homes for Haringey
The requirement is for the purchase, delivery, installation and maintenance of white goods, furniture and flooring for temporary accommodation premises in the London Borough of Haringey.
London Borough of Haringey Passenger Transport Dynamic Purchasing System.
Buyer : London Borough of Haringey
The Council is seeking to procure suitable transport that is safe, secure and reliable principally for vulnerable children, young people and adults who have a wide range of special needs including learning, physical or behavioural difficulties at all ....
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