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Provision of Festive Lighting in the London Borough of Sutton.
Buyer : London Borough of Sutton
The London Borough of Sutton (LBS) contains 6 local committees, 5 of which have decided on the installation of Festive Lights in their district centres during the 2017 festive period and the intention of installing lights over the coming years, thus ....
Occupational Health services for London Borough of Sutton. W118
Buyer : London Borough of Sutton
Extension of contract due to unexpected demand on service in both Kingston and Sutton.
Provision of Festive Lighting in the London Borough of Sutton.
Buyer : London Borough of Sutton
The London Borough of Sutton (Sutton Council) is seeking quotations from suitably qualified organisations for the provision of Festive Lighting at the London Borough of Sutton.The contract will initially be for a period of 5 years with 2 break clause ....
Grounds Maintenance Contract for Council Housing Sites in London Borough of Sutt ....
Buyer : Sutton Housing Partnership Ltd
The contract principally covers grass cutting maintenance of approximately 120 Council housing sites across the London Borough of Sutton, covering an approximate area of 175 000 m² grass. Additional services include grass edging, leaf clearing and m ....
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