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We need to build and enhance capability within our current management teams, so we are looking to find an external training provider for a leadership/management programme to suit our needs and deliver bespoke training
The final date and time for the submission of bids is Monday 18th November 2024 at 11:00am. DO NOT apply directly to the buyer. All tender information MUST be submitted through the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal. Aims and Objectives To secure the services ....
Training is required for formal Asset Management qualifications accredited by the IAM. This training is to be provided in 3 Levels: - Foundation (introductory level), Certificate (practitioner level) and Diploma (advanced level).
Land Management Training 2024-2028 FWA
Buyer : Natural Resources Wales
This tender is a renewal of NRWs Land Management Training Framework. This training is required to provide specific forestry training and general land management training to NRW staff. NRW need to ensure staff are up to date with their forestry and la ....
Ayrshire College Associate Trainers DPS- HR and Management Training Mini-tender
Buyer : Ayrshire College
Under the Ayrshire College Associate Trainers DPS framework, Ayrshire College is seeking suitably qualified trainers for Leadership and Management with experience of delivering CMI or ILM plus Project Management trainers, ideally with CMI experience. ....
Leadership and Management training within the Land Use Planning
Buyer : Welsh Government
Provision of Behaviour Management Training
Buyer : Pembrokeshire College
Pembrokeshire College is looking for a training provider to deliver training to staff across delivery and support functions that will enable us to achieve consistency in behaviour management across the College. It is essential that the training is de ....
Provision of Behaviour Management Training
Buyer : Pembrokeshire College
Pembrokeshire College is looking for a training provider to deliver training to staff across delivery and support functions that will enable us to achieve consistency in behaviour management across the College. It is essential that the training is de ....
BEST Training: Construction Waste Management Training
Buyer : Cardiff University
The Welsh Government has clearly positioned the pursuit of green jobs in the context of a transition to a more sustainable and low carbon economy. The Built Environment Sustainability Training (BEST) programme provides a strategy for the development ....
Leadership and Management Training for the Food and Drink Industry in Wales. Sec ....
Buyer : Improve Ltd
Improve, the Sector Skills Council for the food and drink industry, are managing a Welsh Government project funded by the Sector Leadership Fund.The project provides funding support for key personnel in Welsh food and drink businesses to undergo Lead ....
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