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SHAL Materials Procurement 2016-2021.
Buyer : SHAL Housing Limited
Supporting SHAL requirements for materials over the next 5 years of our planned maintenance programmes under 2 Lots:1. Bathroom ceramics;2. UPVC doors, soffits and fascias.
Materials procurement strategy – framework for the supply of electrical consum ....
Buyer : London Underground Limited (LUL)
Frameworks for the Supply of Electrical Consumable Items.
Buyer : One Manchester Limited
One Manchester Housing are seeking views through a soft market testing exercise in relation to a forthcoming procurement exercise to procure the supply of materials to support One Manchester internal delivery team.Interested providers are invited to ....
SHAL Materials Procurement 2016-2021.
Buyer : SHAL Housing Limited
Supporting SHAL requirements for materials over the next five years of our planned maintenance programmes under two Lots:1. Bathroom Ceramics2. UPVC Doors, Soffits and Fascias.
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