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Measured Term Contract for Servicing and Installation of Mechanical Installation ....
Buyer : West Dunbartonshire Council
West Dunbartonshire Council is seeking to appoint a suitable qualified and experienced contractor to undertake servicing and maintenance of Mechanical Installations at West Dunbartonshire non Housing Properties-Operational & Administrative Council Pr ....
Buyer : west yorkshire fire & rescue
WYFRS require a contractor to undertake servicing and maintenance services on Heating and Mechanical installations and systems. Services include planned inspection and testing to ensure that Heating and Mechanical installations and systems meet opera ....
Specialist Quantity Surveying Services Mechanical Installations
Buyer : London Borough of Southwark
Southwark council is seeking a Specialist Quantity Surveyor for mechanical installations
NCC559B Wooler Mechanical Installations - Plumbing & Heating
Buyer : Advance Northumberland Limited
Plumbing and heating works to new housing scheme, construction of 72nr build dwellings at Weetwood Road, Wooler. ALL TENDER DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE ON HTTPS://PROCONTRACT.DUE-NORTH.COM UNDER DN512390
Specialist QS Services for Mechanical Installations
Buyer : London Borough of Southwark
The London Borough of Southwark requires Quantity Surveying Services for Mechanical Installations
MTC for Servicing and Maintenance of Mechanical Installations at WDC Non-Housing ....
Buyer : West Dunbartonshire Council
West Dunbartonshire Council will is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to undertake servicing and maintenance of mechanical installations at West Dunbartonshire Non-Housing Properties-Operational and Administrative Cou ....
Mechanical Installations Maintenance, Repair and Refurbishment.
Buyer : Plymouth City Council
The Council wishes to procure mechanical installations repair and maintenance work on the Council's property and estate portfolio which may include schools and other partners if they choose to participate. The successful supplier will provide a flexi ....
Hopkins Hall Decarbonisation Project - Mechanical Installations
NOTE - Reserved Contract This contract is reserved for SMEs based in Merseyside area of UK The Project consists of the removal of the existing heating system including pipework throughout Hopkins Hall and replacing the existing radiators with electri ....
Measured Term Contract for Servicing and Installation of Mechanical Installation ....
Buyer : West Dunbartonshire Council
The purpose of the tender is to appoint an experienced and qualified contractor to deliver a Measured Term Contract (MTC) for Servicing and Maintenance of Mechanical Installations at West Dunbartonshire Non Housing Properties -Operational & Administr ....
16015R - Newtown School – Post Primary School Redevelopment – Phase 1 (Mecha ....
Buyer : Newtown School
Extension to the existing historic Newtown School campus involving demolition of 5 no. existing classroom blocks and construction of a new three storey Classroom Block extension including passenger lift and Special Educational Needs Block (5,339m2), ....
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