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The Purchase or Long-Term Hire of up to 10 16-Seat Adapted Mini Buses
Buyer : City & County of Swansea
Tender for the purchase or seven year hire of up to 10 16-seat adapted minibuses.
Provision of Driver Resource DVLA Mini Buses
Buyer : dvla - driver & vehicle licensing agency
2 x Driver resource for DVLA minibuses
Award of Mini Buses- East Lothian Council
Buyer : East Lothian Council
Procurement of mini buses under the TPPL framework Bus framework, Lot 1.
Vehicle Hire - Mini Buses for Adult Social Care
Buyer : birmingham city council
This is an awarded contract under ESPO Vehicle Hire - Self Drive Framework Agreement 271_20 lot b (Mini buses) by direct award
Purchase of Two Mobility Mini Buses
Buyer : Scottish Borders Council
Purchase of Two Mobility Mini Buses
Buyer : bournemouth christchurch and poole council
8no all accessible minibuses for Passenger Transport Team, these replace the current vehicles that have well exceeded their lifespan and are no longer operationally fit for purpose.
RMBC - LA - Capital Purchase of Four Accessible Mini Buses - Further Competition ....
Buyer : Runnymede Borough Council
Runnymede Borough Council are seeking to contract with one supplier for the purchase of 4 accessible mini buses, three for Runnymede Borough Council, one for Surrey Heath Borough Council
RMBC - LA - School Transport Initiative Lease of Seven Accessible Mini Buses Fur ....
Buyer : Runnymede Borough Council
The Authority is conducting a Further Competition under CCS Framework Reference RM6096 for the Lease of Seven Accessible Mini Buses.
GB-London Borough of Hounslow: TPPL London Borough of Hounslow BNES Bus Lot 4 - ....
Buyer : London Borough of Hounslow
TPPL London Borough of Hounslow BNES Bus Lot 4 - 27 x 17 seat coach built mini buses (7461)
Buyer : Midlothian Council
Purchase of 4 Mini Buses
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