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A15 - Motorola Radios, Trg, Sp - Digital Motorola Radios, Training, Ancillaries, ....
Buyer : Irish Defence Forces
The Defence Forces have a requirement to establish a contract for the purchase, training, repair and maintenance of digital Motorola MOTOTRBO network equipment and services to ensure that the current DF Motorola admin network can be fully deployed an ....
PROC-22-1534 - Extended Warranty for Motorola Radios
Buyer : Scottish Police Authority
The Scottish Police authority had a requirement for the procurement of extended warranty of their Airwave radios. A Direct Award was carried out under The Police Digital Services Framework for the provision of Airwave Handset Devices, Accessories, Se ....
A15/3451/JH06/21 - Digital Motorola Radios, Ancillaries and Training/ Support
Buyer : Irish Defence Forces
The purchase of digital radios, ancillaries and training/ support which are compatible with our legacy analogue Motorola radios, including supply of certain ancillaries for existing analog radios.
A15/3451/MC/14/19 - Digital Motorola Radios, Ancillaries and Training/ Support
Buyer : Defence Forces Ireland
purchase of digital radios, ancillaries and training/ support which are compatible with our legacy analog Motorola radios, including supply of certain ancillaries for existing analog radios.
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