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Establishment of a Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the Provision of Manag ....
Buyer : The Special EU Programmes Body SEUPB
The Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) as Managing Authority of the PEACEPLUS Programme wishes to put in place a framework of service providers (Controllers) to carry out risk-based Management Verifications on successful PEACEPLUS projects. The Frame ....
Bord Iascaigh Mhara 2022-014 - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provis ....
Buyer : Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board ( BIM )
As part of our commitment to sustainable development, BIM now wishes to appoint suitably qualified and experienced, external specialists in underwater archaeology to augment the Board’s skill base. Suitably qualified Tenderers will be appointed fro ....
2023-07 - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Seafood Qualit ....
Buyer : Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board ( BIM )
To provide an understanding of best-in-class technical and commercial opportunities to optimise Irish Demersal quality by identifying best practice onboard handling and cold chain management practices for defined Demersal species, to include megrim w ....
BIM 2023-11 - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of in-market ....
Buyer : Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board ( BIM )
The purpose of this Multi Supplier Framework Agreement is to provide an understanding of technical and commercial requirements to align with defined markets needs across defined Demersal species, such as megrim whiting, prawns, haddock, hake, monkfis ....
PROJ000008370 - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Class B ....
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Class B Fire Appliances to the Irish Public Sector. Tender response date 12 May 2023.
PROJ000007610 - THR059F - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision o ....
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (the “Contracting Authority”) is issuing this request for tenders (“RFT”) as a central purchasing body for use by the Framework Clients (defined below). The Office of Government Procurement (the ....
2023/07 - Request for Tender to establish a multi supplier framework agreement f ....
Buyer : Louth and Meath Education & Training Board
LMETB invite responses from interested parties to this Request for Tender for the provision of a selection of Cybersecurity Demonstration and Training Courses under the Skills to Advance Programme for Employees as per the attached tender documents.
PROJ000008238 - PBF123F - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision o ....
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
The Contracting Authority invites tenders (“Tenders”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for appointment to a multi-supplier framework agreement for the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1 of the RFT document (the “Servi ....
PROJ000008232 - PAS126F- Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision in ....
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
To assist in meeting Ireland’s national and legally binding renewable energy targets, the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC; the Department) requires the assistance of high quality, expert support services to help shap ....
LA2332F - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the Supply of Laboratory & Medi ....
Buyer : Education Procurement Service (EPS)
Tenderers are invited to submit proposals for a Multi Supply Framework Agreement. this framework is for the Supply of Laboratory & Medical Gases & Accessories.Education Procurement Service (EPS) is issuing this request for tenders (“RFT”) as a ce ....
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