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Re-procurement of the Pan-London NHS CHC in Nursing Homes AQP
Buyer : NHS North East London CCG
The NHS commissioning authorities in London intend to re-procure the existing pan-London NHS CHC in nursing homes AQP framework. The current framework is due to expire on 31 March 2023.The commissioning authorities expect to begin the procurement pro ....
1675 Associate Director of All Age NHS CHC for NHS Birmingham & Solihull ICB
Buyer : nhs birmingham and solihull integrated care board
Provision of Associate Director of All Age NHS CHC for NHS Birmingham & Solihull ICB This was procured using CCS RM6277 Non Clinical Staffing Lot-2 Corporate Functions Framework.
Pan-London NHS CHC Domiciliary Care AQP and Phase 3
Buyer : NHS Sutton CCG
London Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) commissioners seek applications for the provision of NHS continuing healthcare domiciliary care services. The Any Qualified Provider (AQP) process covers service users eligible for NHS continuing healthcare m ....
NHS CHC Assessment Services to NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group
NEW Devon CCG currently has a backlog of outstanding pre-April 2016 Continuing Healthcare (CHC) assessments. Currently NEW Devon CCG does not have the capacity in its Assessment and Review teams to clear the backlog without a detrimental impact on cu ....
NHS CHC domiciliary care AQP phase 2
Buyer : London Purchased Healthcare Team
Phase 2 of the pan-London NHS continuing healthcare domiciliary care AQP is open for applications until 10 June 2016 at Successful providers will be added to a domiciliary care AQP list which is used by NHS ....
NHS CHC domiciliary care AQP phase 1
Buyer : London Purchased Healthcare Team
Phase 1 of the pan-London NHS continuing healthcare domiciliary care AQP will be open for applications between 13 July and 21 August 2015 at Successful providers will be added to a domiciliary care AQP list which is used by NHS ....
Accreditation Process for the Provision of NHS CHC Residential and Nursing Care ....
Buyer : NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board
NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board is inviting suitably qualified and experienced providers to deliver Residential and Nursing Care Home Services for individuals eligible for NHS continuing Healthcare by responding to an accreditation process.
RA268322 - x24 - NHS CHC Training Materials Suite
Buyer : NHS Shared Business Services (SBS)
NHS Shared Business Services are looking to procure NHS CHC Training Materials Suite Development on behalf of NHS England. If you are interested please see the link below for more information and view the attachment for this project. - The deadline f ....
Pan-London NHS CHC Domiciliary Care AQP — phase 3
Buyer : NHS Sutton CCG
London Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) commissioners seek applications for the provision of NHS continuing healthcare domiciliary care services. The Any Qualified Provider (AQP) process covers service users eligible for NHS continuing healthcare m ....
Nursing Care Homes and Domiciliary Care for NHS Continuing Healthcare (NHS CHC) ....
Buyer : NHS North and East London CSU
NHS Norwich Clinical Commissioning Group (acting as coordinating Commissioner), NHS South Norfolk CCG, NHS North Norfolk CCG and NHS West Norfolk CCG require to procure care services within a Nursing Home, and Domiciliary care, for patients who are e ....
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