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External evaluation of the National Lottery Heritage Funded Heritage Horizons Pr ....
Buyer : University of Bedfordshire
External evaluation of the National Lottery Heritage Funded Heritage Horizons Project
Newark Castle: Building Bridges National Lottery Heritage Fund Project
Buyer : newark & sherwood district council
The Council wishes to invite tenders for the supply of services in respect of interpretation consultancy to work with the project team and local communities to design an interpretation plan for Newark Castle and Newark Castle Gardens, for submission ....
Tender for the provision of Interpretation Planning and Design Consultant for Na ....
Buyer : herefordshire council
To work with Councils Museum services and other consultants to review and develop a interpretation plan for the Hereford Museum and Art Gallery as part of the National Lottery Heritage Fund Development Phase for this project. This work needs to be co ....
Invitation to Tender for the Evaluation of a National Lottery Heritage Fund proj ....
Buyer : Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (ARC) seeks to appoint a consultant to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework for the delivery of this Heritage Fund project (Connecting the Dragons). This will ensure that we are effectively and efficiently ....
Haigh Woodland Park Phase 2 Project — National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) Ap ....
Buyer : Wigan Council
Wigan Council, working in partnership with inspiring healthy lifestyles are in the process of implementing a masterplan for Haigh Hall and Country park to regenerate the site through private and public-sector funding support.The consultancy support s ....
Appointment of a multi-disciplinary consultancy for the Development Stage Applic ....
Buyer : Norwich City Council
The Council's intention is to apply to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for a project to the approximate value of up to £10 million. The Council submitted an Expression of Interest in July 2024 which was favourably received by the National Lottery ....
External evaluation of the National Lottery Heritage Funded Heritage Horizons Pr ....
Buyer : university of bedfordshire
External evaluation of the National Lottery Heritage Funded Heritage Horizons Project
PB2023-01211 Evaluation Consultant for National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) Sto ....
Buyer : darlington borough council
Darlington Borough Council seeks to appoint a consultant to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework and write the Evaluation Report for the delivery phase of its Stockton & Darlington Railway project, covering both the activity programme and as ....
WP3971 - Evaluation of the National Lottery Heritage Fund Capacity Project
Buyer : walsall council e-tendering
Walsall Council is seeking a high-quality provider to undertake an expert independent evaluation of: AOF2020 Walsall Council: National Lottery Heritage Fund Capacity Project (1st October 2020-31st January 2024) Supported by the National Lottery Herit ....
Creation and Development of National Lottery Heritage Fund Business Modules
Buyer : Museums Galleries Scotland
The contractor will work with MGS to create modules covering the following two themes: Governance The content of this module will be designed to support trustees to understand their responsibilities, to define their roles, and to work more strategica ....
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