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Buyer : The Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London
Care Navigators help support the City of London residents aid hospital discharge and maintain their independence. The role of Care Navigators is to work closely with the City of London Adult Social Care (ASC), Duty Hospital and other partners in Heal ....
Rough Sleeper Navigator Service
Buyer : City of London Corporation
The Rough Sleeper Navigator Service aims to provide enhanced, consistent and coordinated support to a targeted group of rough sleepers with multiple and complex needs, identified as "Target 1000" or "Living on the Streets". This group is defined by t ....
Provision of a Hospital Care Navigator Service Supporting Patient Discharge
Buyer : Kent Community Health N H S Foundation Trust
Anti-social Behaviour & Mental Health Navigator Service
Buyer : Westminster City Council
Westminster City Council is seeking to work with a single Provider who can offer dedicated capacity to assist and empower victims and perpetrators of Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) to access the right support, to manage a range of needs and social distr ....
Community Stroke Navigator Service
Buyer : NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board
Community Care- delivery of a community stroke navigator service to support reintegration into the community, volunteering,return to work and support stroke survivors, their families and carers to navigate health and social services in Enfield.
The Staffordshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner seeks to commission a Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Navigator Service from 1st April 2025. The role of Navigators has been developed and tested across a number of areas (e.g. Scotland; London, ....
Evaluation of the Plan B Custody Navigator Service & Grants Recipients
Evaluation of Intervention of Violence Reduction Unit activity: Lot 1 - Evaluation of Plan B Custody Navigators Lot 2 - Evaluation of Grant Recipients
The opportunity is for an evaluation of the Hospital Navigators Service at Northern General Hospital. The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) are seeking to appoint an experienced research company to evaluate the processes and impact o ....
Agreement for Healthcare Navigator Service
Buyer : Northumberland County Council
This contract will target patients who are less likely to attend their appointment within a selected number of care pathways likely to include people with complex and multiple needs. This contract is awarded for two years.
Buyer : city of london corporation
Care Navigator service supports people from hospital settings with short term information and support to help them settle back into the community. This service is vital to reducing readmissions to hospital and ensuring adequate support is provided. T ....
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