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Nitrogen dioxide diffusion tubes
Buyer : bath and north east somerset council
The supply and analysis of diffusion tubes.
Provision and Analysis of Air Quality Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes - AWARD
Buyer : sandwell metropolitan borough council
Provision and Analysis of Air Quality Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes The Quotation Document(s) will be made available to suppliers who Express Interest on the Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council Tendering Portal. To access the portal please click ....
The Provision of a Detailed Air Quality Assessment for Fine Particulate Matter ( ....
Buyer : Belfast City Council
The provision of a detailed air quality assessment for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) for Belfast City Council area.
Supply and Analysis of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes
Buyer : Bradford Metropolitan District Council
This tender is for the supply and analysis of 150 nitrogen dioxide diffusion tubes per month. The tubes should arrive at BDMDCs offices at least 7 working days (excluding bank holidays) before the exposure date
Nitrogen dioxide diffusion tubes
Buyer : bath and north east somerset council
The supply and analysis of diffusion tubes.
Environment Agency Nitrogen Dioxide Direct Analyser with Nitrogen Monoxide - for ....
Buyer : department for environment food & rural affairs
Environment Agency are seeking to purchase 2 x Nitrogen Dioxide Direct Analyser with Nitrogen Oxide - for Rural Supersite locations. We wish to do a 1 month trial before purchase. Specification attached.
Provision and Analysis of Air Quality Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Provision and Analysis of Air Quality Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes The Quotation Document(s) will be made available to suppliers who Express Interest on the Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council Tendering Portal. To access the portal please click ....
GBC - Air Quality Assessment of Nitrogen Dioxide levels in Guildford Town Centre ....
Buyer : SE Shared Services
Guildford Borough Council (GBC) is seeking the supply of a detailed air quality assessment and associated works leading to the area definition and declaration of an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA)
The Provision of a Detailed Air Quality Assessment for Fine Particulate Matter ( ....
Buyer : Belfast City Council
Belfast City Council (‘the Council’)wishes to appoint a qualified and experienced economic operator for the provision of a detailed air quality assessment for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
The Provision of a Detailed Air Quality Assessment for Fine Particulate Matter ( ....
Buyer : Belfast City Council
Belfast City Council (‘the Council’)wishes to appoint a qualified and experienced economic operator for the provision of a detailed air quality assessment for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
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