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North Kent CCGs data processing services.
Buyer : NHS Medway CCG
Data warehousing and data processing services for the three North Kent CCGs for SUS and other local acute provider datasets.
North Kent CCGs Integrated Dermatology Service (IDS) Pre Tender Market Engagemen ....
Buyer : Medway Council
The three North Kent Clinical Commissioning Groups (NKCCGs) of NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG, NHS Medway CCG and NHS Swale CCG are expecting to commence the formal procurement process for a full integrated Dermatology service to operate acr ....
Prior Information Notice - AQP (Any Qualified Provider) Acute Elective Services, ....
Buyer : NHS South East Commissioning Support Unit
The North Kent CCGs (NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG, NHS Medway CCG, and NHS Swale CCG) will be issuing an advertisement for AQP Electives during week commencing Monday 18 May 2015. The application process will be via BravoSolution. The link ....
The North Kent CCGs and West Kent CCG Integrated Community Dermatology Service.
Buyer : NHS North Kent and West Kent CCGs
NHS Medway Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), NHS Swale CCG and NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG, known together as ‘the North Kent CCGs’ and West Kent CCG are looking for an experienced provider to provide an Integrated Community Dermato ....
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