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Northamptonshire Children's Trust - Expression of Interest Commissioning of Acco ....
Buyer : Northamptonshire Children's Trust
Northamptonshire Children's Trust is requiring a sea change in how we deliver services to Care Leavers. We are looking for innovation proposals that would address all or most of these issues:•a focus on supporting young people transition to adultho ....
Northamptonshire Children Trust Accommodation and Specialised Support for Care L ....
Northamptonshire Children's Trust (NCT) is commissioning the provision of Accommodation and Specialised Support for Care Leavers who are over 18 and Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET).In anticipation of a Care Leavers offer review, NCT is ....
Contract for a Tracking Service to Enable the London Borough of Redbridge to Mee ....
Buyer : London Borough of Redbridge
The Council of the London Borough of Redbridge (the Authority) invites Quotations for the Contract for the Provision of a Tracking Service to Enable the London Borough of Redbridge to Meet its Statutory Requirements in Delivering its Targets to Maint ....
Northamptonshire Children's Trust Expression of Interest - Commissioning of Acco ....
Buyer : north northamptonshire council
Northamptonshire Children's Trust is requiring a sea change in how we deliver services to Care Leavers. We are looking for innovation proposals that would address all or most of these issues: •a focus on supporting young people transition to adulth ....
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