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The Office for National Statistics (ONS) to undertake the data collection, quality assurance, analysis and return of International health data collections for the OECD, Eurostat and WHO on behalf of NHS Digital. A copy of the redacted contract can be ....
Provision of Services for the Development of the Office for National Statistics ....
Buyer : office for national statistics
The purpose of the review is to inform the strategy for ONS ODA data science over the next 3 years. The review will also cover the Hub's non-ODA activities. Recommendations on both will be considered for incorporation into data science activities sup ....
Review of the Office for National Statistics (ONS)/Foreign Commonwealth and Deve ....
Buyer : office for national statistics
Review of the Office for National Statistics (ONS)/Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Programme for the Modernisation of Official Statistics.
Office for National Statistics
Provision of statistical service for GOV.UK Verify.
Office for National Statistics - Defra Survey Extension (3 Month Termination Not ....
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
To handle and process returned survey forms from farmers in order to capture data and images from these forms and supply these details electronically to Defra Farm Surveys.
NOTE: This notice was updated on 15 December 2015 for the following reason: Dates to be corrected in the original notice: Place of dates to be added: Date of limit for receipt of tenders Instead of: 17 December 2015 Time: 17:00 Read: 17 December 2015 ....
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