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19 094 - Integrated Lifestyle Services (One You Cheshire East)
The One You Cheshire East service will be delivered by a single core provider. This provider will be responsible a range of functions which are summarised below:, - marketing, outreach, relationship management with professionals and use of risk strat ....
One You Leeds (short- term contract)
Buyer : Leeds City Council
This is a short-term contract awarded to Reed Momenta to allow smooth transition between the incumbent and new provider and to ensure minimal disruption to service users and referrers, the decision was made to request the new provider to recruit and ....
One You Leeds (An integrated holistic healthy living service).
Buyer : Leeds City Council
The Services will provide healthy living interventions and activities that focus on the following modifiable lifestyle behaviours: smoking, physical activity, healthy eating, and cooking skills in addition to working with clients to address barriers ....
PHE-Digital- One You Apps Continuous Improvement
Buyer : Public Health England
Continuous improvement of 4 strategic apps under the One You brand for nationwide launch in early 2016.
Integrated Healthy Lifestyle Service ‘One You Merton’
Buyer : London Borough of Merton
The London Borough of Merton (“the Council”) is inviting tenders to deliver an Integrated Health Improvement Service for people who live, work, study or are registered with a GP in the borough. It will be the key resident-facing health improvemen ....
MBC One You Kent - Maidstone (Triaging Referrals)
Buyer : maidstone borough council
Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) is looking to procure the Tier 2 Weight Management referral pathway under the One You Kent Service. One You Kent is an integrated adult healthy lifestyle service which has a holistic approach towards individual lifesty ....
24 hour Bespoke Service for one Young Person
Buyer : Conwy County Borough Council
Conwy County Borough Council is working in collaboration with BCUHB to tender a contract for a bespoke service for one Young Person of 16 years of age planning to return to live in the Conwy area. The purpose of the service is to create a safe and nu ....
Provision of a Professional Conference Organiser for the Delivery of One Young W ....
Buyer : Belfast City Council
Belfast City Council invites tenders from suitably qualified and experienced Contractors to work with Council’s Culture & Tourism team, Visit Belfast, and One Young World to lead on the development and delivery of Belfast’s responsibilities as ho ....
Provision of a Professional Conference Organiser for the Delivery of One Young W ....
Buyer : Belfast City Council
Provision of a Professional Conference Organiser for the Delivery of One Young World, Belfast 2023
One You Kent - Tier 2 Weight Management Services
Buyer : maidstone borough council
Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) receives funding from Kent County Council, Kent Public Health to tackle obesity and help people achieve a healthier weight through the delivery of the One You Kent Service. One You Kent is an integrated Adult Healthy L ....
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