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Cleaning and Portering Services to support HM Ships and Submarines at HM Naval B ....
Buyer : Unknown
Cleaning services. Portering services. A four year Enabling Contract for the provision of cleaning services on HM Ships and Submarines berthed at HM Naval Base and portering services on HM Ships and Submarines and within the Naval Base, including but ....
Cleaning, Catering (Hostess) and Portering Services
Buyer : Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust
The Authority have established a framework agreement for cleaning, catering and portering services to replace the current, bundled service contracts held by Norfolk Community Health and Care, and Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust.
Cleaning, Catering (Hostess) and Portering Services
Buyer : Norfolk Community Health and Care
The Authority have established a framework agreement for cleaning, catering and portering services to replace the current, bundled service contracts held by Norfolk Community Health and Care, and Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust.
ID 3131618 — Portering Services and Short Term Storage of Furniture
Buyer : Department of Finance
Portering services and short term storage of furniture for the NICS. Inviting tenders from companies to provide an office furniture portering and furniture storage service throughout its own property and estate buildings and the properties of its cli ....
Buyer : Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) requires a contractor to provide comprehensive portering services within the Scottish Parliament for parliamentary staff, MSPs, their staff, journalists, guests and visitors to the Scottish Parliament.
Museum of London Sustainable Cleaning, Waste and Portering Services
Buyer : Museum of London
The Museum of London was seeking a suitable supplier to provide Sustainable Cleaning, Portering and Waste services for three sites located at EC2Y 5HN, E14 4AL and N1 7ED. Two of these sites are museums which have a combined footfall of over 1 millio ....
Museum of London Sustainable Cleaning, Waste and Portering Services.
Buyer : Museum of London
Waste collection services and consumables.
Provision of Cleaning and Portering Services at HM Naval Base Devonport
Provision of Cleaning and Portering Services for ships berthed in HM Naval Base Devonport, Plymouth
Provision of Domestic Cleaning and Portering services to include window cleaning ....
Buyer : East Of England NHS Collaborative Hub
CPFT invites you to tender for the supply of domestic cleaning and portering services, as defined in the specification.The framework will be awarded through an eSourcing portal, and the tender documentation will be ....
The provision of cleaning and portering services.
Buyer : Victoria and Albert Museum
Museum services. Museum services. The V&A requires a supplier to provide cleaning and portering services at three sites under a single agreement. The V&A seeks efficiency savings by conjoining the services across the three sites and seeks a supplier ....
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