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Transport for Greater Manchester (‘TfGM’) is seeking to enter into a virtual Power Purchase Agreement (‘vPPA’) with a supplier (‘the Supplier’) to meet its clean energy goals, and reduce price volatility risk fr ....
Y20032 Dynamic Purchasing System for Power Purchase Agreement Providers
Buyer : Kent County Council (t/a LASER)
This Dynamic Purchase System (DPS) provides a route, compliant with UK public procurement regulations, for public bodies to procure Power Purchase Agreements. It is intended to help public bodies and renewable energy generators contract together thro ....
Dynamic Purchasing System for Power Purchase Agreement Providers
Buyer : Kent County Council (t/a LASER)
This Dynamic Purchase System (DPS) provides a route, compliant with UK public procurement regulations, for public bodies to procure power purchase agreements. It is intended to help public bodies and renewable energy generators contract together thro ....
Procuring the services of a specialist lawyer for the drafting of a framework agreement.
Corporate Power Purchase Agreement for the University of Manchester
Buyer : university of manchester
The University of Manchester wish to purchase the provision of a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement for the supply of Renewable Energy for their campus. The University of Manchester (UoM) intends to transform its electricity consumption to 100% renew ....
Private Wire - Power Purchase Agreements
Buyer : bip solutions limited
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for power provided to Stirling WWTW and Dalmarnock WWTW via private wire from onsite CHP units. The CHP units are being sold by Scottish Water Horizons Limited to Noventa - Helix Heat & Power I Ltd and Noventa - Helix ....
Private Wire - Power Purchase Agreements
Buyer : Scottish Water
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for power provided to Stirling WWTW and Dalmarnock WWTW via private wire from onsite CHP units. The CHP units are being sold by Scottish Water Horizons Limited to Noventa - Helix Heat & Power I Ltd and Noventa - Helix ....
The Council has set an ambitious Climate Change Action Plan for the period 2020 to 2025 to achieve reductions of the Councils direct emissions by at least 50 percent by 2025 while aiming for a further 50 percent reduction between 2025 and 2030r r The ....
UKRI-2255 Direct Wire Solar Power Purchase Agreement for STFC
Buyer : uk research & innovation
UK Research and Innovation ('UKRI') is seeking to establish a contract to supply electricity via direct wire solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the Science and Technology Facilities Council ('STFC'). A contract of up to 25 years to supply elect ....
Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Extension
Buyer : peterborough city council
Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Extension
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