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Hard & Soft Landscaping Works At Queen Street & Bear Street Car Park & The Provi ....
Buyer : north devon district council
Hard & Soft Landscaping Works At Queen Street & Bear Street Car Park & The Provision Of A New Junction To The Car Park From Alexandra Road
Supported Living Scheme - 46 Queen Street
Buyer : redcar & cleveland borough council
Provision of Supported Living service at 46 Queen Street, Redcar.
Supported Living Scheme - 58 Queen Street
Buyer : redcar & cleveland borough council
Provision of Supported Living Scheme service at 58 Queen Street, Redcar.
Construction of a concrete wheeled sports facility at Queen Street Park
Buyer : ansa environmental services ltd
Ansa Environmental Services Ltd ("Ansa") is a wholly owned and controlled company of Cheshire East Council ("the Council"). Ansa was formed in 2014 and is responsible for delivering the Cheshire East Council's waste collection, waste disposal, street ....
Buyer : doncaster council
Carriageway Resurfacing
Humber & Queen Street Carriageway & Footway Reconstruction Works
Buyer : Hull City Council
Hull City Council (The Authority) invites quotes from suitably qualified and experienced organisation to undertake the reconstruction and widening of existing footways from Queen St Junction to Blackfriargate (Hull). The footways are to be replaced w ....
Queen Street, Newborough and Eastborough Scarborough R&R
Buyer : North Yorkshire County Council
Queen Street, Scarborough: Plane off 120mm of existing bituminous carriageway surfacing on Queen Street, Resurface with 20mm SAMI layer and 2 x 50mm HRA 35/14 WTR 2 surface course. 14/20 PCC 65 PSV (top layer only). Total Area in Queen Street is 2,14 ....
Queen Street 3D Digital Modelling
Buyer : Aberdeen City Council
Embracing technology as a means to improve accuracy and efficiency throughout the design process, via the delivery of both a 3D digital model and a physical model. Enabling the future transformation of the Queen Street area into a new mixed-use urban ....
51881 Withernsea Pavilion Leisure Centre, Station Road, Queen Street
Buyer : East Riding of Yorkshire
Scrub and seal floor to Main Hall
Hard & Soft Landscaping Works At Queen Street & Bear Street Car Park & The Provi ....
Buyer : north devon district council
Hard & Soft Landscaping Works At Queen Street & Bear Street Car Park & The Provision Of A New Junction To The Car Park From Alexandra Road Documentation only available at
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