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Request for Tenders dated 01/03/2023 for the provision of Provision, Operation, ....
Buyer : Kilkenny County Council
Kilkenny County Council is seeking tenders for the provision and operation of a Civic Amenity site/Waste disposal and Recycling centre in South Kilkenny to serve the population of South Kilkenny.
Request for Tenders for Design and Delivery of an Export Development Programme f ....
Buyer : Kilkenny County Council
Kilkenny County Council’s Local Enterprise Office is seeking tenders for provision of a programme for small businesses, who want to become equipped with the necessary capabilities to enter into new markets and to adapt their traditional sales model ....
RMC02/23-01 - Request for Tenders for the Provision of a 4x4 passenger vehicle
Buyer : Office of the Revenue Commissioners
This public procurement competition relates to the immediate supply (3 to 6 months) of a 4x4 passenger vehicle to be used for towing of a RIB and for Cutter crew transport. This public procurement competition includes an option for a second 4x4 passe ....
Sustainable Finance Studies - Request for Tenders for the Provision of 5 Sustain ....
Buyer : Sustainable Finance Ireland
In order to support the goal of Ireland becoming a leading sustainable finance centre by 2025, an International Sustainable Finance Centre of Excellence (ISFCOE) has been established. Aligned with government policy outlined in Ireland for Finance Str ....
RFT Training Programmes 2023-27 - Request for Tenders (RFT) for provision of Tra ....
Buyer : Next Level Skillnet
The objective of this request for Tender (RFT) is to establish a panel of qualified rainers, from which companies will be selected to participate for specific contract for the design and delivery of training programmes (outlined in Appendix I) for Ne ....
AD112022 - Request for Tenders for the Provision of Data Capture and Related Ser ....
Buyer : Office of the Revenue Commissioners
The Office of the Revenue Commissioners invites tenders from economic operators for the Provision of Data Capture and Related Services. In summary, the Services comprise: Scanning, imaging and data transfer of Tax Returns on behalf of the Revenue Com ....
LA2443C - Request for Tenders for the Supply & Delivery of Indoor Environmental ....
Buyer : Education Procurement Service (EPS)
UL is seeking approximately 200-250 Indoor Ambience Monitoring Sensors with an E-ink screen that shows data in real time and transmits that data using LoRaWAN technology. The sensors will be used to measure indoor variables (temperature, humidity, li ....
ComReg T09466 - Request for Tenders for provision of Customer Contact Management ....
Buyer : Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg),
Request for Tenders (RFT) for provision of Customer Contact Management Services.•ComReg is seeking a tenderer with a proven track record to provide a ComReg branded managed customer care service for consumers of electronic communications services ( ....
AS01/22 - Request for Tenders for the Provision of a Secure Web Proxy Filtering ....
Buyer : Office of the Revenue Commissioners
The Office of the Revenue Commissioners are seeking tenders from suitably qualified economic operators who are currently involved in the provision Secure Web Proxy Filtering Solutions.
FPTSFA 01-2023 - Request for Tenders (RFT) for the Design and Development of Vir ....
Buyer : First Polymer Training Skillnet
The Network is holding this Competition with the objective of awarding a single-party Framework Agreement for the development of virtual reality (VR) training modules in Injection Moulding Operations.The scope of Initial Contract includes:•the desi ....
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