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P24-0051: Scottish Enterprise Investment Property Portfolio – Transition to Ne ....
Buyer : Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Enterprise wishes to appoint a lead consultant to deliver a detailed design and tender ready package for a deep retrofit project at the Brunel Building at the Scottish Enterprise Technology Park at East Kilbride.The contract is anticipated t ....
P24-0051: Scottish Enterprise Investment Property Portfolio – Transition to Ne ....
Buyer : Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Enterprise wishes to appoint a lead consultant to deliver a detailed design and tender ready package for a deep retrofit project at the Brunel Building at the Scottish Enterprise Technology Park at East Kilbride. The contract is anticipated ....
P24-0061: Scottish Enterprise Investment Property Portfolio - Asset Management C ....
Buyer : Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Enterprise intends to undertake a competitive tendering process to appoint a supplier to provide the full range of property management services across its investment property portfolio. This portfolio, which is subject to regular change, was ....
P24-0061: Scottish Enterprise Investment Property Portfolio - Asset Management C ....
Buyer : Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Enterprise intends to undertake a competitive tendering process to appoint a supplier to provide the full range of property management services across its investment property portfolio. This portfolio, which is subject to regular change, was ....
P23-0122: Scottish Enterprise Investment Property Portfolio – Asset Valuation ....
Buyer : Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Enterprise is seeking to commission a supplier to provide a property asset valuation service for Scottish Enterprise’s investment property portfolio. The value of the land and property assets is required to ensure that the value of the pro ....
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