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Buyer : Advance Northumberland Limited
Ascent Homes are looking for a subcontractor to carry out all scaffolding works to our 55no new build housing development in Longhorsley, Northumberland. All tender documentation can be found on the ProContract Portal.
PA invites organisations to participate in a 60-month DPS for the provision Scaffolding Work. The DPS will be accessible by all current and future Clients of PA. The DPS may be used by all NHS Trusts, Social Housing Providers, Local Authorities, Blue ....
Midland Heart requires a Framework of Contractors to support our In House Maintenance Team to deliver Disrepair, Damp and Mould, Electrical, General Build, Drainage and Scaffolding Work.
Ongoing Scaffolding Works to Domestic Properties
Buyer : APS C/O Leeds Federated Housing Association Ltd
Hire, erection, and dismantling of scaffolding to allow for planned repairs to domestic properties throughout the Leeds and surround areas. Further details are available within the tender documents.
Disrepair, Damp and Mould, Electrical, General Build, Drainage and Scaffolding W ....
Buyer : Midland Heart
Midland Heart required a Framework of Contractors to support our In House Maintenance Team to deliver Disrepair, Damp and Mould, Electrical, General Build, Drainage and Scaffolding Work. Scaffolding was not awarded under this tender process due to a ....
Scaffolding works for the in house repairs service
Buyer : Barnet Homes Ltd
Scaffolding Services for the In house repairs service, This will be based on the Nat Fed schedule of rates +/-. with top scoring contractors used annually
Scaffolding Works, Elswick Estates
Buyer : Your Homes Newcastle Ltd
Supply and erect Scaffolding to support window installation, Elswick Estates
ENHT - Roof Access Scaffolding Works
Buyer : East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
Contract for Roof Access Scaffolding Works at East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust (ENHT). This contract was awarded by single tender waiver in line with Trust Standing Financial Instructions.
Buyer : bromford housing group limited
Scaffolding - Delavale Road, Winchcombe
Buyer : bromford housing group limited
Scaffolding Works
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