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CP7 Year 3 Recalibration of the Network Rail Passenger Schedule 8 Regime - Indep ....
The purpose of this work is to provide an independent audit of the work of the recalibration consultants that will inform industry review and ORR sign-off of the regime before the start of year 3 of CP7 (in April 2026).
The scope of work comprises the recalibration of the Network Rail and Train Operator Payment Rates, Network Rail and Train Operator Benchmarks and Sustained Poor Performance (SPP) thresholds in the passenger Schedule 8 regime. Each of these parameter ....
Schedule 8 Passenger Scheme Recalibration for CP7- Independent audit
Buyer : office of rail and road
To provide an independent audit of the work of the recalibration consultants that will inform industry and ORR sign-off of the regime before the start of CP7
PR23 recalibration of the Network Rail passenger Schedule 8 regime
Buyer : office of rail and road
The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) is currently carrying out its 2023 Periodic Review of Network Rail (PR23). This will set the outputs and funding for Network Rail for Control Period 7 (CP7) which will run from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2029. As p ....
The purpose of this work is to provide an independent audit of the work of the recalibration consultants that will inform industry review and ORR sign-off of the regime before the start of year 3 of CP7 (in April 2026).
The scope of work comprises the recalibration of the Network Rail and Train Operator Payment Rates, Network Rail and Train Operator Benchmarks and Sustained Poor Performance (SPP) thresholds in the passenger Schedule 8 regime. Each of these parameter ....
PR23 recalibration of the Network Rail passenger Schedule 8 regime
Buyer : Office of Rail and Road
The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) is currently carrying out its 2023 Periodic Review of Network Rail (PR23). This will set the outputs and funding for Network Rail for Control Period 7 (CP7) which will run from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2029. As p ....
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