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2021/08 - The Provision of Occupational Health and Pre-Employment Solutions Serv ....
Buyer : Enterprise Ireland
The successful provider will be expected to work directly with the Human Resources Department of each individual Agency within the Contracting Authority to supply Occupational Health and Pre-Employment services solutions, knowledge, advice and expert ....
LMS SFI 2022 - For the Provision of a Learning Platform For Science Foundation I ....
Buyer : Science Foundation Ireland
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) invites tenders for the provision of a learning platform to support the Learning & OD strategy and enable a transition to a digital-first approach to learning delivery, curriculum development, skills building, and per ....
RFT1003 - Provision of a Learning Platform For Science Foundation Ireland
Buyer : Science Foundation Ireland
Provision of a the provision of a Learning Platform to manage SFI’s learning and training, competency and skills development and performance review.
RFT1002 - For the Provision of a Consultant to Review the SFI Gender Strategy an ....
Buyer : Science Foundation Ireland
For the Provision of a Consultant to Review the SFI Gender Strategy and Gender, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policies and Practices within Science Foundation Ireland
SFI100 - Provision of A National Research Infrastructure Evaluation For Science ....
Buyer : Science Foundation Ireland
The purpose of the Services is to provide practical analysis and advice which will inform future national approaches to Research Infrastructure (RI) funding, and conduct a performance improvement evaluation 2015 – 2021 of SFI’s RI programme.
RFT for the provision of executive search services to support the recruitment ca ....
Buyer : Science Foundation Ireland
RFT for the provision of executive search services to support the recruitment campaign for the appointment of a new Director General for Science Foundation Ireland
Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for the Provision of Temporary and Permanent ....
Buyer : Science Foundation Ireland
The objective of this RFT is to invite proposals from suitably qualified service providers for the for the provision of organisation-wide personnel placement services to support its operational needs. Through the establishment of a multi-party framew ....
Design and Print Services for Science Foundation Ireland
Buyer : Science Foundation Ireland
Provision of a multi-party Framework for Design & Print service providers for Science Foundation Ireland
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