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Secure Printing, Personalisation and Delivery of Prescription Forms and Associat ....
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
Secure Printing, Personalisation and Delivery of Prescription Forms and Associat ....
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
The assessment run by the GMC known as the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board ('PLAB') test is the main route by which doctors qualified outside the UK and European Economic Area (international medical graduates or 'IMGs') demonstrate that ....
Secure Printing and Exam Paper Processing
Buyer : General Medical Council (GMC)
The assessment run by the GMC known as the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (‘PLAB’) test is the main route by which doctors qualified outside the UK and European Economic Area (international medical graduates or ‘IMGs’) demonstr ....
Secure Printing and Exam Paper Processing
Buyer : General Medical Council (GMC)
The assessment run by the GMC known as the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (‘PLAB’) test is the main route by which doctors qualified outside the UK and European Economic Area (international medical graduates or ‘IMGs’) demonstr ....
Award of Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) Multi-Functional Devices/Secure Printing ....
Buyer : Accountant in Bankruptcy
Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) is an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government (SG) with responsibility for administering the process of personal bankruptcy and Trust Deeds, administering the Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS) and recording corporate in ....
Buyer : General Medical Council (GMC)
Provide secure printing of examination materials along with marking and statistical support, please see ITT for full breakdown.
Single party framework agreement for the provision of secure printing of paper b ....
Buyer : Merseytravel
Merseytravel are looking to procure a Single Party Framework agreement for the provision of secure printing of paper based tickets for use on a transport network. This includes a range of ticket types and formats which include the following requireme ....
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