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GB-Hull: Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
Buyer : Humberside Fire & Rescue Service
Self-contained breathing apparatus sets, cylinders, integrated communications systems and telemetry capability, with associated training along with support and maintenance services.
The supply of self-contained breathing apparatus
Buyer : warwickshire county council
This ia a Call-Off Contract for the supply of self-contained breathing apparatus pursuant to the framework agreement entered into between Devon & Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority and the Contractor on 20 October 2020 (framework agreement reference: ....
Award of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Bottles (MS-P-0244)
Buyer : Scottish Government
Marine Scotland invites bids for the purchase of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) bottles for the MPV Hirta.
Provision of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Sets Conforming to BS EN 137:200 ....
Buyer : Northumberland County Council
Contract for the provision of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Sets Conforming to BS EN, 137:2006 and UK CBRN BS8468-1, ancillary equipment, cleaning equipment and a total, care package.
Contract Award - Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus and Associated Equipment and ....
Buyer : Avon Fire & Service
Award of Contract for self contained breathing apparatus, cylinders and integrated communication system with maintenance services.
Provision of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Sets Conforming to BS EN 137:200 ....
Buyer : Northumberland County Council
Provision of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Sets Conforming to BS EN 137:2006 and UK CBRN BS8468-1, ancillary equipment, cleaning equipment and a Total Care Package.
Provision of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Sets Conforming to BS EN 137:200 ....
Buyer : Northumberland County Council
Contract for the provision of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Sets Conforming to BS EN 137:2006 and UK CBRN BS8468-1, ancillary equipment, cleaning equipment and a total care package.
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