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Building organisational capability to safeguard against sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment is a new flagship programme under the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office's (FCDO) safeguarding portfolio.It will provide up to £20m ....
Bristol Nights: Anti-Sexual Harassment Campaign
Buyer : bristol city council
1.1 The Council wishes to appoint creative marketing or PR provider(s) to design, manage and execute a citywide awareness / marketing campaign around safety of women in the night time economy. Bristol City Council has recently been awarded funds to s ....
CSI/PH SWAN Anti-Sexual Harassment Training Logistics Service
Buyer : bristol city council
CSI/PH SWAN Anti-Sexual Harassment Training Logistics Service
Sexual Harassment - Literature Review and Survey
Buyer : Government Equalities Office : Department for International Development
Hi, I would like to start the procurement process for the research project - Sexual harassment: Literature Review and Survey. Please find attached the completed statement of requirements, the research board proposal (business case equivalent) and th
Building Organisational Capability to Safeguard Against Sexual Exploitation and ....
Buyer : Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Building organisational capability to safeguard against sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment is a new flagship programme under the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office's (FCDO) safeguarding portfolio. It will provide u ....
Empowering Survivors of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment (ES-SEA ....
Buyer : Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Empowering Survivors of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment (ES-SEAH) will provide up to £15m over 5 years across multiple countries with the aim of increasing reporting of SEAH perpetrated by aid actors and strengthening survivor-c ....
ackling Online Sexual Harassment Training for Education Practitioners
Buyer : Welsh Government
We are seeking a supplier to create a tackling online sexual harassment training package for education practitioners.The training package should incorporate:1.content for online practical training for Designated Safeguarding Persons (DSPs) that will ....
Sexual Harassment and Bullying Training
Buyer : Corporate Officer of the House of Lords and Corporate Officer of the House of Commons
Parliament wants to appoint a training supplier who can work with us to design and deliver bullying and harassment and sexual misconduct awareness and prevention training for all audiences that form part of the community of Parliament namely:— MPs ....
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