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The Strule Shared Education Campus (SSEC) Programme is a longstanding Executive priority with continued broad political support. It is a hugely significant programme, representing massive capital investment in the west of Northern Ireland (NI), stimu ....
Develop and Construct - Appointment of Integrated Supply Team - Ballycastle Shar ....
Buyer : Education Authority NI
The Project is for the provision of the design, supply, delivery, receiving, off-loading, setting into position, fixing, erection, building testing, commissioning and finishing in every respect of the proposed new shared facilities at Ballycastle Sha ....
DE - Strule Shared Education Campus (Ssec) Main Works Contract
Buyer : Department of Education NI
The Contracting Authority is delivering the Strule Shared Education Campus (SSEC). This is a landmark project providing a bespoke state of the art facility to deliver post-primary school education in Omagh, Northern Ireland. The SSEC involves the rel ....
Limavady Shared Education Campus — Appointment of Integrated Supply Team — R ....
Buyer : Education Authority NI
The project is for the provision of shared education facilities at St. Mary’s High School Limavady and Limavady High School. The Integrated Supply Team shall provide:— a single-storey STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Campus ....
DE — Strule Shared Education Campus. Ssec. Site Preparation Works.
This Contract is for the provision of site preparation works. “the Works” for the Strule Shared Education Campus (SSEC), which will be delivered under a separate contract and consists of 5 schools, shared facilities, 13 playing pitches. Natural a ....
ID 4549411 - DE - An Outcome based Evaluation of Limavady Shared Education Campu ....
Buyer : Department of Education
The contract is to conduct an outcomes-based evaluation, underpinned by use of Outcomes Based Accountability of the Limavady SEC. It is anticipated that the contract will commence on date award for a period of 5 years with no further options to exten ....
Develop and Construct - Appointment of Integrated Supply Team - Ballycastle Shar ....
Buyer : Education Authority NI
The Project is for the provision of the design, supply, delivery, receiving, off-loading, setting into position, fixing, erection, building testing, commissioning and finishing in every respect of the proposed new shared facilities at Ballycastle Sha ....
DE 3924804 Strule Shared Education Campus Main Works Contract (OPEN)
Buyer : Department of Education
The Strule Shared Education Campus (SSEC) Programme is a longstanding Executive priority with continued broad political support. It is a hugely significant programme, representing massive capital investment in the west of Northern Ireland (NI), stimu ....
Strule Shared Education Campus Main Building Works
Buyer : Department of Education DE
The Strule Shared Education Campus (SSEC) Programme is a longstanding Executive priority with continued broad political support. It is a hugely significant programme, representing massive capital investment in the west of Northern Ireland (NI), stimu ....
The project is for the provision of the design, supply, delivery, receiving, off-loading, setting into position, fixing, erection, building testing, commissioning and finishing in every respect of the proposed new shared facilities at Ballycastle Sha ....
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