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Provision of Healthwatch Bristol, Healthwatch North Somerset & Healthwatch South ....
Buyer : South Gloucestershire Council
Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils wish to jointly procure respective Healthwatch services provided by a suitable provider. The provider shall be expected to utilise maximum opportunity for economies of scale and efficient wor ....
Provision of Healthwatch Bristol, Healthwatch North Somerset & Healthwatch South ....
Buyer : South Gloucestershire Council
Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils wish to jointly procure respective Healthwatch services provided by a single provider. The provider shall be expected to utilise maximum opportunity for economies of scale and efficient worki ....
Assisted Conception Services for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershi ....
Buyer : NHS Gloucestershire CCG
NHS South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group is the lead commissioner for this procurement and North Somerset and Bristol Clinical Commissioning Groups are associate commissioners for this procurement. This procurement is being carried out ....
Advocacy services for adults in South Gloucestershire.
Buyer : South Gloucestershire Council
Management and provision of advocacy services for eligible adults entitled to receive services within South Gloucestershire Council geographical area.
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