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Install and Support a Telematics System
To source a single supplier to provide, install and support a telematics system used to record and capture data from our fleet of drivers and vehicles across the business
Buyer : Oxford Direct Services
Vehicle telematics system for fleet and Dashcams
At present GTR run a fleet of 87 Diesel vehicles consisting primarily of 18 Large, 24 Medium, 16 Small and 2 Micro Panel Vans as well as 3 large, and 19 Medium passenger cars. Although our aim is still to reduce the environmental impact of the fleet ....
At present GTR run a fleet of 87 Diesel vehicles consisting primarily of 18 Large, 24 Medium, 16 Small and 2 Micro Panel Vans as well as 3 large, and 19 Medium passenger cars. Although our aim is still to reduce the environmental impact of the fleet ....
Buyer : city of bradford metropolitan district council
Vehicle tracking software - Navigator & Fusion Software and API Link
The provision of a Vehicle Telematics System
Buyer : knowsley council
The provision of a Vehicle Telematics System for the Council's fleet
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
The provision of tracking devises for NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership. The procurement was undertaken under the National Procurement Services (NPS) Framework VEHICLE TELEMATICS (NPS-FT-0077-17).
Fleet Vehicle Telematics System
Buyer : East Ayrshire Council
The Council currently has 568 vehicles requiring a telematics system covering several service units including social work, housing services, waste collection, roads, etc, however this number may fluctuate during the contract term.
Award of ELC-21-2524 - Vehicle Telematics System
Buyer : East Lothian Council
East Lothian Council seek vehicle telematics system provision.
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