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Haulage and Processing of North Devon and Torridge District Council's Food ....
Buyer : Devon County Council
As a Waste Disposal Authority (WDA) DCC is responsible for the disposal of waste that the District Councils of Devon collect, known as Local Authority Collected Waste (LACW). The Authority is seeking a Contractor to undertake the haulage and Process ....
Haulage and Processing of North Devon and Torridge District Council's Food Waste ....
Buyer : Devon County Council
As a Waste Disposal Authority (WDA) DCC is responsible for the disposal of waste that the District Councils of Devon collect, known as Local Authority Collected Waste (LACW). The Authority is seeking a Contractor to undertake the haulage and Processi ....
Further Competition Under Insurance Placment DPS 978 for Torridge District Council and their appointed Insurance Broker - Aon
CP2525-24 Contract for the haulage and Processing of North Devon and Torridge Di ....
Buyer : devon county council
As a Waste Disposal Authority (WDA) DCC is responsible for the disposal of waste that the District Councils of Devon collect, known as Local Authority Collected Waste (LACW). This process is to undertake a request for quote for a replacement (tempora ....
Cleaning Services for Torridge District Council, North Devon, UK
Buyer : torridge district council
Daily internal cleaning service at hostels, Pannier Market and offices to include periodic cleaning of windows (internal and external) and building fabric as per schedules.
CP 1693 Contract for composting food waste from North Devon & Torridge District ....
Buyer : Devon County Council
Service entails collection of food waste from North Devon & Torridge District Councils' depots and its haulage to the service provider's waste processing point at which the service provider shall compost the food waste.
CP 1607-18 Contract for composting of East Devon, North Devon and Torridge Distr ....
Buyer : Devon County Council
The contract is for the provision of waste reception points by the contractor to which the District Councils of East Devon, North Devon and Torridge can deliver their separately collected garden waste. The contractor shall then compost the delivered ....
CP 1607-18 Contract for composting of East Devon, North Devon & Torridge Distric ....
Buyer : Devon County Council
The Contract is for the provision of waste reception points by the contractor to which the District Councils of East Devon, North Devon and Torridge can deliver their separately collected garden waste. The contractor shall then compost the delivered ....
CP2532-24 Haulage and Processing of North Devon and Torridge District Council ....
Buyer : Devon County Council
As a Waste Disposal Authority (WDA) DCC is responsible for the disposal of waste that the District Councils of Devon collect, known as Local Authority Collected Waste (LACW). The Authority is seeking a Contractor to undertake the haulage and Processi ....
CP2532-24 Haulage and Processing of North Devon and Torridge District Council's ....
Buyer : Devon County Council
As a Waste Disposal Authority (WDA) DCC is responsible for the disposal of waste that the District Councils of Devon collect, known as Local Authority Collected Waste (LACW).The Authority is seeking a Contractor to undertake the haulage and Processin ....
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