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Liverpool Streetscene Services Value for Money Assessment
Buyer : liverpool city council
Liverpool City Council is looking for a supplier to provide consultancy services to undertake a value for money assessment on a subsidiary of Liverpool City Council.
CP1973-20 Connecting Devon and Somerset Programme Value for Money Assessments
Buyer : Devon County Council
Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) is a public sector Programme supported by the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and working with the broadband supply market to provide enhanced broadband infrastructure across the CDS area ....
Value for money assessment of skills competitions, the UK Skills Show and partic ....
BIS and other devolved administrations fund the Skills Show, European and WorldSkills and Skills Competitions to raise awareness of vocational training and skills and showcase the best talent in vocational areas in the UK, enabling the best competito ....
Buyer : Hillcrest
This exercise is to carry-out a value for money review of all the services provided by Hillcrest Maintenance and to highlight any areas that require further improvement and/or support and investment.
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