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Repair & Maintenance of Various Equipment: Commercial Laundry Equipment, Roller ....
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
This is an Invitation to Quote with information, instructions and guidance provided in this document, following consideration of which the Quotation submission should be completed and returned by all suppliers who wish to quote for the requirement de ....
Buyer : Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
MAINT3910- RFL- Mediscan and various equipment To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the opportunity CA14006. Not registered: Visit then register and quote CA14006 ....
GB-Sandwell: TPPL Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council NEPO GM & P Lot 1 - 3 x ....
Buyer : sandwell metropolitan borough council
Spec 1 - 1 x Sub-Compact Tractor c/w Mowing Deck (New) - Awarded to TH White (13285.00) Spec 2 - 1 x Flatbed Trailer (New) - Awarded to Lister Wilder (5780.00) Spec 3 - 1 x 4x4 Utility Vehicle (New) - Awarded to TH White (13830.00)
Maintenance of various equipment types
Buyer : uk health security agency
Maintenance of previously supplied equipment types including fridges and freezers
ENHT - 3 Year Trust-wide Maintenance Contract for Various Equipment including Va ....
Buyer : Hertfordshire NHS Procurement
East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust implemented a 3 year contract, having selected the supplier offering the most economically advantageous bid, via the NHS Supply Chain maintenance framework.
Repair, Maintenance of Various Equipment: Commercial Laundry Equipment, Roller S ....
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
This is an Invitation to Quote with information, instructions and guidance provided in this document, following consideration of which the Quotation submission should be completed and returned by all suppliers who wish to quote for the requirement de ....
Motors Lab - Provision of various equipment for a Training Motors Lab
Buyer : Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)
Purchase of various equipment for a 3rd level Training Motors Lab to be used by students on various courses including Electrical apprenticeships.
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