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Maintenance of Microbiological safety cabinets and Laminar air flow cabinets.
Buyer : NHS Blood and Transplant
Maintenance of Microbiological safety cabinets and Laminar air flow cabinets.
RA325045 - Glove Positive Pressure isolator with Laminar Air Flow
Buyer : shropshire healthcare procurement service
Glove Positive Pressure isolator with Laminar Air Flow. Suitable for air re-circulation back into cleanroom. - PLEASE NOTE - the attached Terms of Offer and NHS Terms & Conditions which would govern any agreements made following this exercise - To ac ....
UCC/2022/27 - Supply of an Automated MicroFermentation and Liquid Handling Syste ....
Buyer : University College Cork ( UCC )
as per RFT
There is now a requirement to obtain a replacement hotwire anemometry system which will be suitable for use on a range of wind tunnels located in the Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory within the School of Computing, Science & Engineering (CSE). CSE ....
Maintenance of Microbiological safety cabinets and Laminar air flow cabinets.
Buyer : NHS Blood and Transplant
Maintenance of Microbiological safety cabinets and Laminar air flow cabinets.
NSAI - NML Wind Tunnel with air flow Measurement/Calculation System
Buyer : National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
Wind Tunnel with air flow Measurement/Calculation System supplied to. Flow velocity range from 0.5 to 30 m/s with an accuracy of 1.5 % of measured air flow or better.
The NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) use Class 1 & 2 Microbiological Safety Cabinets (MSC) and Laminar Air Flow (LAF) cabinets to provide operator and environmental protection for various processes carried out within NHSBT departments. These cabinets ....
Supply of Class 1 and Class 2 Microbiological safety and Laminar Air Flow Cabine ....
Buyer : NHS Blood & Transplant
Supply of Class 1 and Class 2 Microbiological safety and Laminar Air Flow Cabinets including maintenance of all new and existing equipment.
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