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Cache 64-bit Licences and Associated Support Services
Buyer : Business Services Organisation
Cache is owned, maintained and supported solely by InterSystems. Only Intersystems can provide Cache licences and support services. Appointing an alternative organisation to provide Cache licences and support services is therefore not an option.
IT Reseller Agreement for IT Hardware, Commercial Off-The- Shelf (COTS) Software ....
Buyer : Lancashire County Council
IT Reseller Agreement for IT Hardware, Commercial Off-The- Shelf (COTS) Software and associated support services.
East Suffolk Council together with East Suffolk Services Limited is seeking a provider of general insurance policy cover services, including claims handling, and risk management services to commence at the conclusion of our existing contract on 31st ....
Direct Award of SAS Software Licences and associated Support Services
Buyer : National Records of Scotland
Direct Award of SAS Software Licenses and associated support services to SAS Software Ltd for NRS for 1 year.
Direct Award of ESRI (UK) Ltd ArcGIS Pro licenses and associated support service ....
Buyer : National Records of Scotland
This is a non competitive direct award to ESRI (UK) Ltd for their proprietary ArcGIS Pro software licences and associated support services for 3 years for NRS.
Insurance Brokerage and Associated Support Services
Buyer : university of york
This is a direct award against Lot 1 of the CCS RM6020 framework for the provision of insurance brokerage and associated support services to the University. A desktop evaluation process was carried out to inform the direct award. The initial term of ....
Cache 64-bit licences and associated support services for Regional Child Health ....
Buyer : Business Services Organisation I T S
Caché is the technology used for both the NI Child Health System (NICHS) application software and for the NICHS database. The NICHS System is written in and runs on Caché. Without Caché, the system would not exist. The version of Caché used must ....
Rural Payments Service and associated support services and integration
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
Rural Payments Service and associated support services and integration
Buyer : Hampshire County Council
The Hitting the Cold Spots (HTCS) Service aims to support Hampshire residents to efficiently and effectively keep their homes at a healthy temperature all year round.Living in a cold home or warm home can have a significant negative impact on a perso ....
Home Energy Efficiency Advice, and Associated Support Services: Hitting the Cold ....
Buyer : hampshire county council
Hampshire County Council invites applications from suitably experienced organisations who wish to tender for the service Hitting the Cold Spots. The Hitting the Cold Spots (HTCS) Service which aims to support Hampshire residents to efficiently and ef ....
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