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LA2341C - The State Laboratory - RFT for the supply of an Automated Sample Prepa ....
Buyer : Education Procurement Service (EPS)
Tenders are sought for the supply and installation of an automated sample preparation system for the cleanup of samples for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) analysis. The technology should be well established and have reference labs to support th ....
Automated Sample Preparation (bead based system)
An automated sample preparation instrument for isolation and purification of proteins, peptides, nucleic acids and cells for use in mass spectrometry and other applications from a range of sample types.
Automated Sample Preparation (bead based system)
Buyer : mhra buyer organisation
An automated sample preparation instrument for isolation and purification of proteins, peptides, nucleic acids and cells for use in mass spectrometry and other applications from a range of sample types.
LEE272C - Supply of Automated Sample Preparation System for the Analysis of Food ....
Buyer : Education Procurement Service (EPS)
The Education Procurement Service (EPS) on behalf of the State Laboratory (the “Contracting Authority”) invites tenders (“Tenders”) to this request for tenders (“RFT”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for the supply of the goods ....
Automated sample preparation lines.
Buyer : University of Bristol
Automated sample preparation lines manufactured by Ionplus (Zurich). The graphitisation (AGE 3) and CO2 (GIS) lines allow high throughput target preparation of all sample types, i.e. gases, solids, especially small samples (down to 20 g).
Automated Sample Preparation (bead based system)
Buyer : MHRA
The Agency is looking for an automated sample preparation instrument for isolation and purification of proteins, peptides, nucleic acids and cells for use in mass spectrometry and other applications from a range of sample types.Submit response via At ....
Automated Sample Preparation (bead based system)
Buyer : mhra buyer organisation
The Agency is looking for an automated sample preparation instrument for isolation and purification of proteins, peptides, nucleic acids and cells for use in mass spectrometry and other applications from a range of sample types. Submit response via A ....
Supply, Installation and Service of Automated Sample Preparation Systems
Buyer : Scottish Police Authority
Open Tender for the Supply, Installation and Service of Automated Sample Preparation Systems.
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