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Kirklees Calder & Tributaries RR - Baseline Study
Buyer : Environment Agency
This project aims to gather evidence on the identified sections of River Calder, Colne, Batley and Spen water bodies and their sub catchments (Image 1) held by us and our partners and collate it into one useable, concise report and catchment assessme ....
Fylde CVFSE Feasibility and Baseline Study
Buyer : fylde borough council
Fylde Community, Voluntary, Faith, Social Enterprise Sectors Feasibility and Baseline Study.
Scope 1, 2 and 3 Carbon Emission Baseline Study Update for Cumberland Council
Buyer : cumbria county council
Scope 1, 2 and 3 Carbon Emission Baseline Study Update for Cumberland Council
Scope 1, 2 and 3 Carbon Emission Baseline Study Update for Westmorland & Furness ....
Buyer : cumbria county council
Scope 1, 2 and 3 Carbon Emission Baseline Study Update for Westmorland & Furness Council
UKRI-2539 Social baseline study for Carbon Storage Research Facility Project
Buyer : uk research & innovation
The requirement is for a social baseline study for Carbon Storage Research Facility (CSRF) project. In order to improve our understanding of public knowledge and attitudes to CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS), the British Geological Survey (BGS) wishes t ....
Undertaking a Baseline Study to Support the Evaluation of the UK's Open Networks ....
Buyer : department for digital, culture, media & sport
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is seeking a supplier to undertake a baselining exercise in support of the Open Networks Research and Development Fund.
PSF 3 Lot 4a - Scope 1, 2 and 3 Carbon Emission Baseline Study for Cumbria Count ....
Buyer : cumbria county council
Consultant required to identify a full carbon baseline of the council and identify actions to reduce that baseline. This project will define a Scope 1,2 and 3 baselines for rCumbria County Council.
Nunthorpe Grange Baseline Study
Buyer : Middlesbrough Council
Nunthorpe Grange Baseline Study
M66/A56 Corridor (M60 J18 to M65 J8): Baseline Study
Buyer : Highways Agency
The work will involve collating and reviewing available supply and demand data within the study area. This will include a review of existing data in the vicinity of the study area, including traffic count, census journey to work, journey time data an ....
523864 M66/A56 Corridor (M60 J18 and M65 J8): Baseline Study
Buyer : Highways Agency
The work will involve collating and reviewing available supply and demand data within the study area. This will include a review of existing data in the vicinity of the study area, including traffic count, census journey to work, journey time data an ....
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