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Building and Window Cleaning Services
Buyer : Believe Housing Ltd
The contract is for the provision of building and window cleaning services to believe housing offices, community centres, sheltered housing units and flat blocks (communal areas). The contract duration is 3 years with an option to extend for a furthe ....
Building and Window Cleaning Services
Buyer : Believe Housing Ltd
The contract is for the provision of building and window cleaning services to believe housing offices, community centres, sheltered housing units and flat blocks (communal areas). The contract duration is 3 years with an option to extend for a furthe ....
Accommodation, Building and Window Cleaning Services.
Buyer : Dover Harbour Board
Provision of internal and external cleaning services throughout the Port of Dover, with optional additional services such as hygiene services and recycling and subject to an optional extension of up to 1 year.
Tender for Building and Window Cleaning Services.
Buyer : University Of East London
Cleaning of university campus including student residences, sports halls, offices, lecture theatres and teaching rooms.
Tender for Building and Window Cleaning Services
Buyer : University Of East London
To provide building and window cleaning services to university campuses in East London. Full details can be found at:
Building and Window Cleaning Services.
Buyer : Harlow District Council
Window and building cleaning services at the Harlow Civic Centre and Bus Station. Building cleaning services will be required at the Latton Bush Centre. The Council may call off additional services for building and window cleaning at other sites acro ....
Downlands Community School and Sports Centre Building and Window Cleaning Servic ....
This contract is for the building and window cleaning at Downlands Community School and Sports Centre.
Accommodation, Building and Window Cleaning Services
Buyer : Colchester Borough Council
Accommodation, building and window cleaning services. Colchester City Council requires window cleaning to a range of offices, sports centres, housing facilities (including sheltered schemes and communal area windows of the housing stock), museums, da ....
Building and Window Cleaning Services
Buyer : Believe Housing Ltd
The contract is for the provision of building and window cleaning services to believe housing offices, community centres, sheltered housing units and flat blocks (communal areas). The contract duration is 3 years with an option to extend for a furthe ....
Islington & Shoreditch Housing Association - Contract for periodic and routine g ....
The Contracting Authority is seeking a service provider to provide grounds maintenance and building/estate cleaning services to their various schemes.
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