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Preliminary Market Engagement for Provision of a Diploma in Healthcare Planning ....
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
NWSSP (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust), on behalf of NHS Wales Health Boards and Trusts, is conducting a review of the Diploma in Healthcare Planning requirement for NHS Wales staff. NHS Wales are seeking to engage the market to support its ....
Buyer : United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
The Contracting Authority has a requirement for a Healthcare Planning consultant to support with the below five schemes across the capital programme: Trust wide theatre Strategy supporting in workforce and pathway design Pilgrim ED build supp ....
Tender for STAR Call Monitoring and Care Planning
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council (the Council) is a unitary, metropolitan authority located in the West Midlands. SMBC is made of 6 towns (West Bromwich, Oldbury, Tipton, Wednesbury, Smethwick, Rowley Regis). SMBC employs over 4500 people. The B ....
Architectural & Healthcare Planning services (RIBA 1 & 2) for the Emergency Department Redevelopment scheme. This is a call off contract via the NHS SBS Healthcare Planning, Construction Consultancy and Ancillary Services (HPCCA) - Lot 1 Arch ....
Healthcare Planning, Construction Consultancy and Ancillary Services
Birmingham City Council (the Council) is carrying out a further competition exercise using NHS SBS Customer Framework Agreement - Healthcare Planning, Construction Con-sultancy and Ancillary Services (SBS10190) -Lot 7 (multidisciplinary) for P2287 - ....
Provision of Civil & Structural Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical and Public Health (MEP), Healthcare Planning, & Ancillary Services To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the opportunity ....
Proivison of Healthcare Planning, & Ancillary Services (Mortuary Refurbisbhment)
Buyer : Whittington Health
Mortuary Refurbishment To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the opportunity CA15005. Not registered: Visit then register and quote CA15005 as the reason for regist ....
NETPark Phase 3, Zone 1 development, in relation to the NHS Shared Business Serv ....
Buyer : Durham County Council
Call-off under the NHS Shared Business Services Framework Agreement Reference SBS10190 - Healthcare Planning, Construction Consultancy and Ancillary Services, Lot 7 - Multi-Disciplinary Services
SBC Digital Social Care Planning Records and Monitoring Management System with E ....
Buyer : swindon borough council
Swindon Borough Council has procured SBC Digital Social Care Planning Records and Monitoring Management System with Electronic Mobile Devices Hosted Software as a Service through the Further Competition via NHS Digital Social Care Records/Care Plan D ....
492 - Wigan Council ASC Digital Care Planning System
Buyer : wigan council
Wigan Council would like to digitise some of its Adult Social Care functions, namely Reablement and In-House Care and Support Services, by way of the introduction of a digital social care record for the purpose of electronic care planning. Partial fu ....
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