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APHA CapEx (23/24): Automated Cell Counter
Buyer : Cell Therapy Catapult Limited
Purchase of 2 Spectrophotometers with peripherals to be used in the manufacture of Covid-19 vaccine products.
Spiral Plater and Automated Cell Counter
Buyer : Public Health England
PHE Porton Down Require a Spiral Plater and Automated Cell Counter as per the specifications as shown on the Bravo Portal
2 Culture Collection Cell Counters
Buyer : Public Health England
PHE require 2 Cell Counters able to use patented cassettes (called Via1) for automated staining and sample handling which are volume calibrated to ensure high precision and reproducibility. Due to increasing workload ECACC would now like to purchase ....
Bioanalysers and Cell Counters
Buyer : Centre for Process Innovation Ltd
There are 2 lots, each to establish a single supplier framework. Lot 1 is for bioanalyser equipment and the second if for cell counting equipment. Bidders are invited to apply for either or both lots. All bids will be evaluated using the criteria det ....
PR23-001 - Cell counting, nutrient and metabolite analytical instruments for int ....
Buyer : National Institute for Bioprocessing Research & Training (NIBRT)
NIBRT (National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training) is looking to procure an instrument that enables the counting of mammalian cells, determination of cell viability, analysis of nutrients, metabolites, and osmolality, all in a single ....
PRCX20-027 - A cell counting, nutrient and metabolite analytical instrument
Buyer : National Institute for Bioprocessing Research & Training (NIBRT)
An instrument that enables the counting of mammalian cells, determination of cell viability, analysis of nutrients, metabolites and osmolality all in a single instrument platform or equivalent that can be integrated with upstream bioprocessing equipm ....
project_5463 - BIOT Capillary Cell Counter
Buyer : Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
The agency is looking for a non-image-based Cell Counter with wide size profile that can accommodate for large stem cells and fibroblasts, live/dead cell discrimination and fast processing without requirement for high cell numbers; more accuracy than ....
Provision of a Cell Counting System
Buyer : Public Health England
Public Health England (PHE) requires the provision of a bench-top cell counting system for use in its Health Protection Cancer Mechanisms and Biomarkers Group laboratories. If you are interested in participating in this opportunity please login or re ....
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