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Falmouth Marine School project will result in Falmouth Marine School owning a co ....
Buyer : cornwall college e-tendering
Falmouth Marine School have successfully bid for strategic development funds to undertaken a "De-carbonising a marine vessel" project. The project will result in Falmouth Marine School owning a commercially available vessel with a number of differing ....
Provision and installation of 2 Commercially Available Parade Ground Stands
Provision and installation of 2 Commercially Available Parade Ground Stands
Falmouth Marine School project will result in Falmouth Marine School owning a co ....
Buyer : cornwall college e-tendering
Falmouth Marine School have successfully bid for strategic development funds to undertaken a "De-carbonising a marine vessel" project. The project will result in Falmouth Marine School owning a commercially available vessel with a number of differing ....
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