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Buyer : United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
The Detailed Design will include the development of the heating system for two acute hospital sites (Boston Pilgrim and Grantham), Lincoln site is currently not included as the Contracting Authority is already under an Energy Performance Contract (EP ....
Lowndes Park is Chesham's flagship park, it is situated on the main road through Chesham and includes various different elements including a fenced playpark. The playpark was installed in 2009 and is now old and tired. The current playpark includes e ....
Shepshed Town Centre Public Realm Improvement Project - Detailed Designs
Buyer : Charnwood Borough Council Recycling
Charnwood Borough Council will be accessing ESPO Framework Contract 664_17 Lot 5 for the preparation of a detailed design for a public realm improvement scheme in identified areas of Shepshed town centre. This will involve commissioning appropriate s ....
Bedford Square Gateway Project - Detailed Designs
Buyer : Charnwood Borough Council Recycling
Charnwood Borough Council intend to issue a call for further competition under ESPO Framework Contract 664_17 Lot 5 for Consultancy in respect of the preparation of detailed designs for public realm improvements in the Bedford Square/Wards End/Devons ....
Detailed designs of river restoration associated with proposed regeneration at B ....
Buyer : Bristol City Council
Detailed designs of potential river restoration of the River Malago, associated with the regeneration of Bedminster Green
Middle Brook NFM. Complete detailed designs for the NFM opportunity sites on Bes ....
This project is being funded through the Defra Natural Flood Risk Management Programme, which runs from 2024 to 2027. The scope of this commission is to complete detailed designs for the NFM opportunity sites on Bessy Brook by 14/03/2025, which will ....
Supply of Detailed Designs of Wetland Engineering Works And Project Management S ....
Buyer : RSPB Scotland
RSPB Scotland wishes to commission a consultant to produce detailed technical designs based upon the preferred option developed as part of the Options Appraisal Study completed by AECOM in 2021, accounting for the continually evolving situation on si ....
LEO-CW-09 - Detailed Designs and Part 8 Drawings for the former Cash & Carry Pre ....
Buyer : Carlow County Council
Carlow County Council wish to engage a multi-disciplinary team to include architectural and Quantity Surveyor services to provide Detailed Designs and Part 8 Drawings for the former Cash & Carry Premises, Kennedy Street, Carlow, for the development o ....
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