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Provision of eDiscovery platform and document review services for the UK Covid
Buyer : Crown Commercial Service
Appointment of a single Supplier to deliver a market-leading eDiscovery/eDisclosure platform (a digital platform generally used for legal purposes to store, search, analyse and further process evidential materials and data for onwards secure sharing)
Covid Inquiry e-Discovery Platform
Buyer : nhs england
NHSE procured an e-Discovery platform to enable review, redaction and submission of corporate records to the Covid Inquiry. This was procured through the G-Cloud framework.
Provision of Services for the creation and support of the family experience Exem ....
Buyer : Kerry County Council
Provision of Services for the creation and support of the Family Experience Exempler AR App under Atlantic Discovery Platform DIP Project - Kerry County Council
Provision of a Digital Forensics and eDiscovery Platform Solution
Buyer : Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC)
The CCPC requires a Digital Forensics and eDiscovery platform solution that effectively and efficiently searches, identifies, reviews, collates and formats Information retrieved and is capable of operating in both a fixed and mobile environment
Library Discovery Platform and Electronic Resource Management
Library discovery platform and associated electronic resource management software. Suite of software should provide: - Robust and user friendly discovery platform for both physical and electronic library content based on a unified content index spann ....
Search and Discovery Platform for JISC Historic Books.
Buyer : Jisc Services Ltd
JISC Historic Books has provided a single web based search interface to three collections of Historic Books for students and academics across the UK. There are now over 200 institutions subscribing to the service, with thousands of pages accessed eac ....
MA2001C - RFT for the supply of a Microcreds Discovery Platform for the Irish Un ....
Buyer : Education Procurement Service (EPS)
Tenders are sought for the supply of a Microcreds Discovery Platform for the Irish Universities Association.The Contracting Authority intends to award a contract for the Development, commissioning and support of a Microcreds Platform for the Irish Un ....
MA2001C - MA2001C - PIN Notice - Provision of Microcreds Discovery Platform
Buyer : Education Procurement Service (EPS)
The Irish Universities Association (IUA) wishes to advise the market of its intention to seek responses from suitably qualified service provider/s for the provision of a Microcreds Discovery Platform for the IUA.
2019P026 - Support and Maintenance Services for the Central Bank’s Veritas e-d ....
Buyer : Central Bank of Ireland
The Central Bank’s current contract for support and maintenance for Clearwell will expire on 11 October 2019. The Central Bank is therefore interested in responses from Tenderers who are registered as Veritas partners, and can provide the Veritas â ....
GB-LIVERPOOL: Automated Materials Discovery Platform
Buyer : University of Liverpool
The requirement is for a high-throughput, automated synthesis platform (either single entity or more than one interlinked systems) for reaction screening and materials discovery.
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