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Construction, Maintenance and Replacement of Gas Distribution Mains and Services ....
Buyer : Scotland Gas Networks
Scotland Gas Networks plc (‘ScGN’) are a gas distribution utility regulated by the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (‘Ofgem’). ScGN is seeking experienced suppliers to assist the Network with the delivery of a range of regulatory outputs ....
Construction, Maintenance and Replacement of Gas Distribution mains and Services ....
Buyer : southern gas networks
Southern Gas Networks plc (‘SGN’) are a gas distribution utility regulated by the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (‘Ofgem’). SGN is seeking experienced suppliers to assist the delivery of a range of regulatory outputs and related works ....
Supply and installation of district heat distribution mains in Aberdeen City Cen ....
Buyer : Aberdeen Heat & Power Ltd
Aberdeen Heat and Power wishes to invite tenders from interested bodies for a contract to install district heating heat distribution mains in Aberdeen City Centre.
Murrisk CWC Distribution Main - Murrisk Community Water Connection - Installatio ....
Buyer : Mayo County Council
The new Distribution Main network will involve the installation ofapproximately 29Km of main ranging from 32mm to 90mm OD, withassociated valves and fittings, and all works are to be carried out as perhe Irish Water’s Water Infrastructure Standard ....
Killasser GWS - Replacement of Distribution Mains
Buyer : Killasser Group Water Scheme
The project involves the installation of approximately 5,510m of 110mm OD PE100 SDR 17 new distribution mains to replace existing pipes due to high unaccounted for water losses. The pipe will be installed in open cut trenches and by horizontal direct ....
Irishtown Group Water Scheme - Irishtown Group Water Scheme Upgrade of Distribut ....
Buyer : Mayo County Council
Installation of approximately 6,976m of new watermains and all associated valves & fittings.
Benbulben GWS - Replacement of Distribution Mains
Buyer : Benbulben Group Water Scheme
The works will involve the replacement of existing 50mm watermain and installing approximately 1.296km of new distribution main by direction drilling.The new water main will consist of 63mm OD PE80 SDR11grade main which will belocated in the western ....
Cloonmore/Cloonlavish GWS - Cloonmore/Cloonlavish GWS Distribution Mains Replace ....
Buyer : Mayo County Council
The works will involve the installation of approximately 21.76Km of new distribution mainconsisting of 32mm OD, 63mm OD, 90mm OD and 125mm OD watermains and all associated ancillaries. The works also include for the installation of 240 no consumer bo ....
190427 - Caherleske-Coolagh GWS Distribution Mains Replacement 2020
Buyer : Caherleske Coolagh GWS Co-Op Society Ltd
Supply and lay circa 1250m of OD110 and OD65 SDR17 HDPE pipe mains c/w valves and fittings together with circa 50m of small bore distribution main. Also include for disconnection of boundary box supplies from existing mains and reconnection to the 10 ....
Construction, maintenance and replacement of gas distribution mains and services ....
Buyer : Southern Gas Networks plc
Text to be corrected in the original notice: Place of text to be modified: II.1.5) Instead of: II.1.5) Estimated total value: Value excluding VAT: 732,000,000 Currency: GBP Read: II.1.5) Estimated total value: Value excluding VAT: 805,000,000 Currenc ....
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